b'AMSUS Sustaining Members SupportFederal Health During the PandemicGAITHERSBURG, MDAs the disruption of healthcareTheoverarchinggoalwastodevelopacollaborative caused by the COVID-19 pandemic began to ripple acrosscommunication strategy which enabled rapid transmission the country in March 2020, the officers of the Associationofinformation,whilefacilitatingpartnershipswhich of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS) andsupported optimal patient care and systemic value.the organizations sustaining members from industry cameAsaresultoftheAMSUS-SMefforts,healthcare togethertoenvisionhowCOVID-19couldimpacttheagencies across the breadth of the U.S. government have federal healthcare system.received vital support during this difficult period. With a clear understanding of the responsibility incumbent AMSUS-SM members rapidly responded to a upon industry to support federal health professionals duringBureau of Prisons request for critically needed this crisis, the group convened to discuss the steps sustainingpersonal protective equipment. members could take to ethically support federal customers Sustaining members facilitated an announcement in meeting their patient care goals as well as how best toby the VAs National Acquisition Center regarding respond to collaborative research inquiries and resolve issuesthe potential impact of the Defense Production Act, for federal accounts throughout the pandemic. In addition,which enabled AMSUS member organizations to the AMSUS officers and sustaining members brainstormedproactively evaluate their critical supply lines.ways to offer education, clinical and medical information support, and improved access to medicines, devices, and The VA PBM requested support in making timely supplies despite while limiting exposure to the coronavirusannouncements to industry about necessary changes for all parties and supplies while limiting exposure. in access to and operation of VAMCs to protect Theleadershipteamtookdecisiveactiontosupportthe health and well-being of Americas veterans.federalmedicine.SustainingmemberofficersengagedIn response to the PBM request, the AMSUS-SM multiple federal health leaders and systems, offering toVA Committee created a webinar to educate their serve as a conduit for COVID-19-related communicationscompanies and industry account executives.and feedback to and from industry as well as a vehicle for DHAs Pharmacy Operations Division (POD) announcements, opportunities for innovation, or requestsreached out to the AMSUS-SM DoD/DHA for industry support to solve a problem.Committee on behalf of the COVID-19 Supply ThegroupreachedouttotheVAsCentralOfficeChain JATF to provide industry input and help (VACO),PharmacyBenefitsManagement(PBM)/Officepromulgate a request for information and a ofProcurement, AcquisitionandLogistics(OPAL),andcommercial solutions offering focused on bolstering National Acquisition Center (NAC); Indian Health Servicedomestic industrial capacity by anchoring strategic (IHS); Bureau of Prisons (BOP); and DoDs COVID-19medicines and supplies. Supply Chain Joint Acquisition Task Force, and DefenseThe AMSUS-SM USPHS/Public Health Committee HealthAgency(DHA).Theteamalsocontactedtheis exploring development of a list of AMSUS-SM DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices,includingcorporate member contacts that FEMA and other the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Centers foragencies might reach out to as they address national DiseaseControlandPrevention,NationalInstitutesofdisaster preparation, response, and recovery to Health, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Officeseek voluntary industry participation. FEMA and of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and ResponseAmericares are also working with the AMSUS-SM (ASPR) and Office of the Surgeon General (OSG); FederalUSPHS/Public-Health Committee to communicate to EmergencyManagementAgency(FEMA);andotherindustry the need for donations of medical resources federal agencies to offer the expertise and ethical partnershipto support continued recovery efforts in Puerto Rico of sustaining member organizations. following the devastating impact of a hurricane and an Internally, the AMSUS sustaining member (AMSUS-SM)earthquake that have been made even more challenging committeesdevelopedplanstoengagefederalhealthwith the pandemic.leaders in discussions of how industry could support VA, DHA, U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), IHS, and BOP The AMSUS leadership group also facilitated a effortstominimizetheriskofCOVID-19transmissionnumber of announcements and requests for the in their medical centers and other facilities and how theCOVID-19 national response effort, including organizationscouldsupportagencyeffortstoprovideVA/VHA, Supply Chain JATF and DHAs urgent optimal care for their COVID-19 patients. need for supplies and materials; HHS request for 16 THE VALUE OF THE PARTNERSHIP: Industry and the Federal Customer Working Together'