b'spread of COVID-19 as well as illness and death. Unlikecoronavirus-produced antigen. By combining two LAABs, the already approved vaccines which must be shipped andthecompanyhopestoreducetheriskofresistanceto heldatverylowtemperatures, AstraZenecasrequirestreatment developing in the virus. The antibodies have been onlystandardrefrigeration.Thatwillmakeiteasiermodified to extend their half-lives and resulting protection. to distribute across the country and around the world,Two phase 3 trials of AZD7442 are in process. One reducing the risk of reintroducing the virus or its variantsis enrolling about 5,000 adults to evaluate the LAABs to the U.S. again. ability to prevent COVID-19 for up to 12 months. The Beyond the Vaccine other includes approximately 1,100 adults, who will be treatedfollowingexposuretoSARS-CoV-2withthe In addition to its vaccine operations, AstraZeneca has alsogoal of assessing AZD7442s ability to prophylactically quickly mobilized global research efforts to discover novelpreventandtreatinfections.Thetreatmentcouldbe coronavirus-neutralizingantibodiestopreventandtreataliterallifesaverforindividualswithcompromised progression of the COVID-19 disease. In October, the U.S.immune systems, who often fail to mount a sufficient government provided $486 million to develop and supplyresponse to vaccines.up to 100,000 doses of the companys long-acting antibodyAZD7442 will also be tested in another 4,000 patients for (LAAB) combination, AZD7442, with the right to acquiretreatment of COVID-19 in other clinical trials.an additional one million doses. BARDA and the DefenseAdditionally,thecompanyhasexploredmultiple Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) previouslytherapiesinitsexpansivearsenalanddeeppipelineto provided $25 million for the discovery and early evaluationtreattheinfection. Whilenotallofthosehaveproved of the monoclonal antibodies and their phase 1 trial. successful, AstraZeneca continues to evaluate options to ThisagreementwiththeU.S.governmentwillhelpgive patients an edge in the battle against the coronavirus. accelerate the development of our long-acting antibodySince the beginning of the year, AstraZeneca has been combination which has the potential to provide immediatecommittedtodoingeverythingwecantorespondto andlong-lastingeffectinbothpreventingandtreatingCOVID-19,includinginvestigatingexistingmedicines COVID-19 infections. We will be evaluating the LAABas potential treatments, said Jos Baselga, AstraZeneca combinationindifferentsettingsfromprophylaxis,toexecutivevicepresidentforOncologyResearchand outpatienttreatmenttohospitalization,withafocusonDevelopment.[W]eremaincommittedtoadvancing helpingthemostvulnerablepeople,said AstraZenecascience that helps patients during this unprecedented global CEO Pascal Soriot. pandemic,includingclinicaltrialsforthe AstraZeneca The injectable treatment contains two monoclonal anti- Oxford coronavirus vaccine and our long-acting antibody SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, each of which targets a specificcombination.US WorldMeds Becomes Partner to BattleThe Opioid Epidemic During the PandemicEditors note: This information was provided by Journal of Managed Care, mounting evidence suggests US WorldMeds and was edited for consistency and clarity,the incidence of substance use is increasing during the but not reported or written by U.S. Medicine staff.pandemic and the opioid epidemic is seeing a resurgence. Further,thereisagreaterlikelihoodofpatientsbeing NEW YORKWhile the COVID-19 pandemic continuespushed into unplanned opioid withdrawal as stay-at-home to wreak havoc on life in the U.S., closures, staff shortages,orders cause disruption to all facets of everyday life.andstay-at-homeordershavegreatlyimpactedthoseAccording to Bob James, US WorldMeds director of needing to access the healthcare system for those non- medical affairs, US WorldMeds recognizes that this may COVID-19 conditions. This includes patients prescribedbe a time when manypatients are thrown into unplanned opioids for their chronic pain and those with or who areopioidwithdrawalandneedhelpwithsymptomsthat seekingtreatmentforopioidusedisorder.Patientsincanbedevastating,evenwithoutthecomplicationof underserved communities are often the most affected byquarantines and social distancing.disaster; COVID-19 is no exception. Symptomsofopioidwithdrawalcancomeonas COVID-19meetstheopioidepidemicintheperfectquickly as six hours after stopping the use of opioids storm. and include aches and pains, yawning, stomach cramps, According to a recent article published in the Americanfeeling sick, heart pounding, muscular tension, muscle 18 THE VALUE OF THE PARTNERSHIP: Industry and the Federal Customer Working Together'