b'spasms, chills, runny eyes, and insomnia. thefalloutofotherconcurrentnationalcriseslikethe US WorldMeds,apharmaceuticalcompanybasedinopioid epidemic, these four very different organizations Louisville, KY, has been operating in the heart of thequickly united to benefit those left hurting by this terrible opioidepidemicasthedeveloperandmanufacturerconvergenceinanoutstandingexampleofgovernment oflofexidine(Lucemyra).Approvedin2018fortheandindustrypartnershiptoimprovehealthcareforall mitigation of opioid withdrawal symptoms to facilitateAmericans.abrupt opioid discontinuation in adults, lofexidine is the only oral non-opioid medication approved by the U.S.IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION:Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment ofLUCEMYRA can cause serious side effects, including opioid withdrawal symptoms.low blood pressure, slow heart rate, and fainting. Watch for (Lucemyra will not completely prevent the symptoms ofsymptoms of low blood pressure or heart rate, including opioid withdrawal and is not a treatment for Opioid Usedizziness, lightheadedness, or feeling faint at rest or when Disorder.See Important Safety Information at the end ofquickly standing up; if you experience these symptoms, this article and the full prescribing information.) call your healthcare provider right away and do not take USWorldMedshasbeenactiveinaddressingtheopioidepidemic,saidLeeWarren,USWorldMedsyour next dose of LUCEMYRAuntil you have talked to chief operating officer. As we saw the fallout from thisyour healthcare provider. Avoid becoming dehydrated or additional COVID-19 global crisis, we wanted to do ouroverheated and be careful not to stand up too suddenly part to help underserved communities. from lying or sitting, as these may increase your risk of US WorldMeds reached out to the Federal Emergencylow blood pressure and fainting.When your treatment is complete, you will need to stop Management Agency and its partner, Healthcare Ready,taking LUCEMYRA gradually, or your blood pressure for assistance in connecting the company to communitiescould increase.in need. Healthcare Ready is a not-for-profit organizationAfteraperiodofnotusingopioiddrugs,youcan founded after Hurricane Katrina to bring public healthbecome more sensitive to the effects of opioids if you organizations together with the private sector to addressstart using them again. This may increase your risk of pressing issues before, during, and after disasters.overdose and death.HealthcareReadyrecognizesthecriticalrolepartnerships play in moving donations through the supplyBefore taking LUCEMYRA , tell your healthcare provider chain and into the hands of those who need them most,about all your medical conditions, including if you have whether its PPE or a medication like Lucemyra, especiallylow blood pressure, slow heart rate, any heart problems duringthecoronaviruspandemic,saidSarahBaker,including history of heart attack or a condition called long Healthcare Ready program director. QT syndrome, liver or kidney problems, or if you drink Healthcare Ready connected the dots to VIP Communityalcohol. Tell your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, plan on becoming pregnant, or are breastfeeding; it is not ServicesintheBronx,NY,afederallyqualifiedhealthknown if LUCEMYRAcan harm your unborn baby or clinicandcertifiedcommunitybehavioralhealthclinicthat offers integrated medical, behavioral health, housing,whether LUCEMYRApasses into your breast milk.and wrap-around services to improve the health and well- Especiallytellyourhealthcareproviderifyoutake benzodiazepines,barbiturates,tranquilizers,orsleeping being of the Bronx and surrounding communities, Bakeradded.VIPprovidesbadlyneededmedical supporttopills, as taking these with LUCEMYRAcan cause serious thosesufferingwithsubstanceusedisorders,includingside effects. opioid abuse and addiction. The most common side effects of LUCEMYRAinclude FollowingtheHealthcareReadyreferral,USlow blood pressure or symptoms of low blood pressure WorldMedsdonatedapproximately$500,000worthofsuchaslightheadedness,slowheartrate,dizziness, lofexidine to VIP to allow appropriate patients who aresleepiness, and dry mouth.facing unplanned withdrawal to access the medication atToreportSUSPECTEDADVERSEREACTIONS orproductcomplaints,contactUSWorldMedsat no charge. 1-833-LUCEMYRA. You may also report SUSPECTED The community served by VIP has been hit hard byADVERSE REACTIONS to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 COVID-19. If ever there was a time for a donation likeor www.fda.gov/medwatch.this, its now. COVID has highlighted how left-behind our patients have been in the pandemic, said VIP CEO,Debbian Fletcher-Blake, family nurse practitioner. ForGo to Lucemyra.com for full LUCEMYRAprescribing us its a win-win to receive a donation of Lucemyra to helpinformation.those patients suffering from unplanned withdrawal. Am J Manag Care. 2020;26(7):June 1, 2020While no one could have imagined how the COVID-WisBusiness News; June 29, 202019 pandemic would impact society and in turn worsenThe Colorado Sun; June 22, 2020 AMA-ASSN; May 28, 2020THE VALUE OF THE PARTNERSHIP: Industry and the Federal Customer Working Together 19'