A Battle on Two Fronts: Coronavirus and Addiction

BETHESDA, MD—Researchers at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) had been fighting one daunting national health crisis already when the COVID-19 pandemic launched its attack on the U.S. Now, these federal scientists face the dual challenges of reducing the...

Injection or Pills?

Clinicians treating substance use disorder patients at the VA have faced a specific dilemma during the COVID-19 pandemic: How to deal with veterans who need to receive monthly injections at clinics and VAMCs as a critical component of their therapy. Making the choices even more difficult is recent research showing that injectables significantly extend time to relapse for those patients.

Pandemic Shows Value of Long-Acting Injectables for Severe Mental Illness

VA research has found that about half of veterans with diagnosed schizophrenia or bipolar I disorder have attempted suicide. Nearly 70% of veterans with schizophrenia and more than 82% of those with bipolar disorder reported suicidal ideation or behavior. That’s why it is so critically important to maintain their medications during a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Long-acting injectable drugs has helped the VA do that.